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Functional Test Target: MRB PCBAs

April 4, 2016

The Material Review Board (MRB) usually consists of a meeting of personnel from Quality, Materials, Purchasing and Manufacturing engineering. The purpose of an MRB is to review rejected material for disposition. Disposition decisions are often made based on schedule requirements, material cost, availability of alternatives, or analysis of the defect. The MRB material of interest is Printed Circuit Board Assemblies (PCBAs).

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In-Circuit vs. Functional Test

September 11, 2014

As manufacturing processes improve and circuitry has moved from discrete components to highly-integrated programmable components, effective test strategies must now place more emphasis on functional test rather than in-circuit test (ICT).

In-circuit test performs a “schematic verification” by testing individual components of a printed circuit board (PCBA) one at a time by comparison against a software model of some parameters of the component. It is not done “at speed” and does not verify interoperability but is very effective at finding manufacturing defects.

ICT excels at:

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