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ggothing's blog

Test Operator Feedback with the EFT Module for TestStand

October 2, 2017

How Bloomy’s Manufacturing Operator Interface for TestStand provides feedback tools to improve operator efficiency.

When developing automated tests for a product, we as test engineers typically focus on what we see as the two most important tasks: ensuring the test works properly, and ensuring appropriate results are collected. Because of this, the person who spends the most time on the system, the test operator, can often be forgotten.


The UTS Software Suite from Bloomy

May 24, 2016

A universal test system software architecture

Are you developing test sequences using NI TestStand? If so, beware that a lot more goes into a full test architecture than test sequences. In our experiences, test developers often focus solely on the test sequences and code modules, leaving items like file management, hardware abstraction, operator interfaces, and result processing all but forgotten until you run into a problem. Unfortunately, these items often take longer to develop, and require more in-depth TestStand knowledge than the test sequences themselves.

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